Sonic Writing

A research blog for the Sonic Writing project

Live Coding: A User's Manual

Intelligent Instruments: a funded ERC project

Creative AI education from the MIMIC project

Previews, Interviews and Reviews of Sonic Writing

Sonic Writing - A book on new musics and technologies

Ergodynamics - on the haecceity of musical instruments

Presenting Musical Organics - Ideation & Feedback

Sonic Writing Residencies in the US

Sonic Writing workshop at Lydgalleriet

Special Issue: Live Coding

Annotating New Notations at Ircam

Arts Research Symposium at AlgoMech

Remembering Musical Organics at STEIM

Documenting Live Interfaces

New Notations Symposium @ IRCAM

Machine Creativity Roundtable at IASPM in Brighton

Musical Organics: A Symposium on Instrument Design

On Critical Music Technology

ICLI 2016: The 3rd International Conference on Live Interfaces

Hello World: Launching the Sonic Writing Project